A trademark is a brand name that includes any name, word, symbol, or combination of names, words, symbols, or combinations of names that are used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from the goods manufactured or sold by others, as well as to indicate the source of the goods.

Altus Pro has extensive knowledge and expertise in providing a full trademark registration package that includes trademark search, trademark protection, and trademark classification.

Our Services:

  • You have legal ownership of the trademark.
  • You have the option of taking legal action against infringers.
  • In searches, your trademark will show.
  • Prevent the importation of commodities.
  • A more straightforward path to international rights.
  • Use of ® symbol
  • Use of ™ symbol
  • ISO Registration

We also strive to promote customer satisfaction through the effective use of the system, which includes methods for continuous system improvement and assurance of adherence to customer and applicable legislative and regulatory requirements in ISO certification.