About Us

Altus PRO Corporate Service Provider comprehend the hurdles that business people experience while relocating to a new geographical location. While establishing your firm, we can assist you in overcoming language, local regulation, and cultural barriers. Our goal is to help you get your business off to a great start by taking care of the local regulations and logistical problems, so you can focus on growing your business.

Our Location

Dubai, a well-established gateway to the wider Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. As a thriving global marketplace, Dubai attracts and encourages business development. With oil accounting for less than 1% of GDP, its economy is currently one of the most diversified in the world. Dubai’s taxation system is likewise quite favorable, with a commitment to transparency. With a ‘nil’ corporate tax rate and a 5% VAT rate, the UAE has one of the lowest tax rates among its competitors.


Altus PRO Corporate Service Provider comprehend the hurdles that business people experience while relocating to a new geographical location. While establishing your firm, we can assist you in overcoming language, local regulation, and cultural barriers. Our goal is to help you get your business off to a great start by taking care of the local regulations and logistical problems, so you can focus on growing your business.

We develop a good comprehension of your business requirements and provide customized solution to your company formation requirements in Dubai and the UAE. Our market knowledge and good working ties with government ministries enable us to set up your business in Dubai and the UAE in the fastest timeframe.

Loucy shibu
Loucy shibu
Everyone is so Helpful .. ThankU team.
Krish Parthi
Krish Parthi
Arc Windsor Espino
Arc Windsor Espino
I would like to express my gratitude to this company for their fast and professional service..The staff are all friendly and helpful..especially jaffar..thank you so much and more power